Cosmetic Dentistry India
Cosmetic Dentistry is known to improve one’s appearance in terms of size, shape, colour, bite & alignment of teeth.
Cosmetic Dentistry focuses on delivering aesthetic smiles or perfect set of teeth by addition of or removal of tooth like material/ tooth material or alteration of tooth/gum tissue.
Cosmetic is an easier & faster way to correct imperfections in teeth. It is done under conditions of:
- Crowded teeth
- Missing teeth
- Over bite / protruding teeth
- Under bite/ pushed in teeth
- Shifted mid line
- Pigmented gums
- Gummy smile
- Too big or too small teeth
- Teeth with gaps
- Chipped teeth
- Discoloured teeth
Cosmetic dentistry involves treatments like:
- Smile Makeover with veneers
- Dental Implants
- Restorations with caps & bridges
- Gum treatments
- Orthodontics
- Teeth whitening
- Dentures
Cosmetic Dentistry not only improves your smile but also adds confidence & self esteem to your life.
Before your work speaks for you, it’s your beautiful smile that works wonders for you. Certain job profiles call for a perfect presentation with perfect smiles like fashion industry, aviation industry, glamour industry, & hotel industry.
Smile makeover beautifies your smile as well as enhances your overall confidence, opportunities & oral health.
A smile makeover depends on the team work which constitute the “artistic eye” of the dentist, smile designer & dental technician, striving to deliver a perfect smile without any compromises.
Cosmetic Dentistry & more