Welcome to Parshwa Implant Center & Mulitspeciality Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad
We are innovators. For over 25 years, our closely knit team of highly trained and motivated specialists like Periodontist and Implantologist, Prosthodontist, Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon, Endodontist, Cosmetic Dentist have dedicated themselves to providing dentistry of the highest quality. We are specialised in the fields of Periodontics, Implants and Cosmetic dentistry. Our clinic which is one of the best implant centre in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India is a synthesis of science and art, with an undiluted commitment to our clients and society. For us, dentistry is an art form...
Our spacious clinic located in Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India is right in the heart of city caters to a large spectrum of well heeled individuals expatriates to locals and also to medical/dental tourists. Ours is one of the best implant centre for medical and dental tourism. All our NRI and Local patients have one thing in common they come seeking us because we have a high level of commitment, empathy and expertise to offer under completely sterilized clinical conditions. Above all a pain free dental experience!
Our Team

Dr. Chirag Shah
B.D.S., M.D.S. (Periodontology And Implantology)
Dr Chirag Shah MDS(Periodontia) is a well known clinician, oral implantologist and laser surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India practicing since last 25 years. He completed his graduation in 1995 and did his Post graduation in Periodontia in 1999 from Government Dental college and hospital, Ahmedabad.
His passion for Implantology and teaching is well known and he teaches the students of dentistry; a mentor of a Clinical Course of Implantology at his Academy named "PARI" (Parshwa Academy of Regeneration and Implants). P A R I is all about teaching and learning implantology. As the gem can not be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials, person is always a student for lifetime and one must learn throughout the life. P A R I is an attempt for the same.
As a teacher he believes that the best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatises, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.
He believes as every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures, implantology is also an art and one needs to do it with his own soul...
drchiragshah@yahoo.com +91 9426676761
Dr. Kunjal Shah
Dr Kunjal Shah has been in private practice for the last 25 years. She completed her BDS from Government Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad in 1996. She is practicing at ParshwaMultispeciality dental clinic and Implant centre, Paldi, Ahmedabad, India and her area of interest is prosthodontics.
Dentistry is a passion for her and because of her sympathetic nature, a large part of her patients comprise of elderly people who seek prosthodontic rehabilitation.
She spends plenty of time with her daughter Pari, guiding her through the tribulations of life as well as having fun with her. She loves traveling especially within India experiencing and enjoying the diversity of this vibrant country. Given the opportunity she would reinvent herself as an artist with a brush...
drkunjalshah@yahoo.com +91 9825261381